Links of the Week
I categorize my blog posts in two different categories – Meditations and Tools. Blogs I post under the “Meditations” category are usually pastoral and personal reflections on faith and the Christian life. Under the “Tools” category I blog about apps, software and other resources pastors and clergy can utilize to meet the demands of ministry.
Getting Things Done by David Allen – only $1.99 on Kindle today!!
Getting Things Done by David Allen is only $1.99 on kindle today! Don’t pass it up.
How great leaders inspire action… (TED Talk)
Why good leaders make you feel safe… (TED Talk)
Looking for some useful apps? Here are a few of my favorites.
When it comes to utilizing technology in ministry, many people don't know where to begin. If you're looking for a place to start, here's a list of some of my favorite tools. Take a look and let me know if you have any other suggestions or questions. Evernote - Notes...
3 Things You Should Read This Summer… After Everything Settles Down
Summer is quickly coming to an end. It's hard to believe it's almost August already. You may be wondering how you'll ever finish the reading list you made back in April or May. Still, these books are worth your time (when you have the time). Getting Things Done: The...